In September, we sent out our first Associate Survey. The following summarizes the responses we received:

Microfunding Grants Program: The majority of associates polled were very interested in the microfunding program. We consider the program a success and will continue to offer the grants again next year.

Professional Development Programs: The majority of associates are very interested in professional development programs. Associates also expressed that they would like more consistency with programs. NHN is a volunteer-run organization, and we are currently looking for an associate to chair the Programs Committee and manage upcoming professional development programs as well as additional volunteers to serve on the committee. If you are interested, please contact Morgen Young (

Associate Directory: Over half of respondents are listed in the associate directory. This is a great improvement, but we are aiming for 100%. If you have not already, please send your directory information to Val Ballestrem (

NHN Listserv: Almost all of the associates surveyed utilize the mailing list. We encourage people to post to the listserv with job postings, news and announcements, historical events, questions, etc.

Additional suggestions: Respondents suggested NHN get more involved in regional activities, participate or coordinate history conferences, and share more information about employment opportunities.

Many thanks to all who participated in the survey. The board will look into the suggestions as we continue to improve NHN and how it can best serve its members.