NHN is very pleased to announce the results of the first cycle of NHN’s microfunding program. The proposals represented a geographic range from Northern California to the Olympic Peninsula. Approaches to history ranged from from oral history projects to field trips to quilting workshops.

The proposals were reviewed by members of the NHN Project Committee, and by three history professionals who served as outside reviewers. The Project Committee presented the top-scoring proposals to the NHN Board. The NHN Board approved funding for the top two proposals, which earned enthusiastic support from our reviewers:

Project:”Digitizing Vashon-Maury Island Heritage Association’s irreplaceable oral history recordings to preserve them for the future.” Organization: Vashon-Maury Island Heritage Association Project Director: Laurie Tucker, vice-president and Collection Committee chair
With their $240 award, the organization will convert videotapes of oral histories on the archaeology and ethnography of Vashon Island intoo digital files

Project: “Hoover-Minthorn House Museum Material Culture Analysis”
Organization: Hoover-Minthorn House
Project Director: Sarah Munro, Director
With their $250 award, the organization will hire a consultant to catalog a collection of 19th century agricultural and household artifacts.

We received many more outstanding proposals than our budget allowed us to fund. Because the response to this program was so positive, we are planning to run a second funding cycle in 2014.

The Northwest History Network is seeking applications for competitive awards of up to $250 to fund equipment, services, and other one-time needs for history projects
Proposed projects should advance one or more of NHN’s organizational goals:
•  Provide professional support for community partners documenting, preserving, and/or presenting their histories.
•  Facilitate communication and foster collaboration between public and private organizations, educational institutions, libraries, museums, and archives.
•  Protect and increase preservation and access to historical resources and materials.
•  Expand historical education by using non-traditional venues to present public history projects.
•  Use varied strategies and technologies to promote appreciation and understanding of the past.
•  Foster a non-competitive and supportive atmosphere for those committed to public history.
To apply, please respond to the following:
1. Project title or brief description (15 words or less)
2. Contact information for Project Director (individual responsible for managing project and communicating with NHN)
3. Summary of project (200 words or less)
4. Describe how this project relates to NHN’s goals listed at the top of this document (200 words or less)
5. Amount of funding requested up to $250 and how it will be used

Submit completed proposals to the NHN Project Committee Chair, maija [dot] anderson [at] gmail [dot] com. Proposals are due May 1. In June, the Project Committee will recommend projects to the Board for funding. You will be notified of the Board’s decision by early July.

NHN invites all Associates to its Annual Holiday Party

Tuesday, December 18, 2012.

It’s the history social event of the season!

Where: 8725 SE 36th Avenue, Milwaukie 

When: 5:00 to 9:00 PM

Who’s invited: NHN associates and their spouses, friends, colleagues, 
and other such history nerds

What’s to eat: Potluck dinner; bring your favorite dish to share

What’s to drink: Wine, beer, soft drinks, juice, tea and coffee

How to get there: Drive, bike, bus #75 

RSVP: Morgen Young 
morgen.young at gmail.com